1 M. Abadi and L. Lamport An Old-Fashioned Recipe for Real Time
2 T. Henzinger and Z. Manna and A. Pnueli Towards Refining Temporal Specifications into Hybrid Systems
3 T. Henzinger and Z. Manna and A. Pnueli Temporal Proof Methodologies for Real-Time Systems
4 Z. Manna and A. Pnueli Models for Reactivity
5 R. Alur and C. Courcoubetis and T. Henzinger and P. Ho Hybrid automata: An Algorithmic Approach to the
6 T. Henzinger and X. Nicollin and J. Sifakis and S. Yovine Symbolic Model Checking for Real-Time Systems
7 T. Henzinger and X. Nicollin and J. Sifakis and S. Yovine Symbolic Model Checking for Real-Time Systems
8 X. Nicollin and A. Olivero and J. Sifakis and S. Yovine An Approach to the Description and Analysis of
9 O. Lichtenstein and A. Pnueli and L. Zuck The Glory of the Past
10 T.A. Henzinger Sooner Is Safer Than Later
11 Z. Manna and A. Pnueli Time for Concurrency
12 O. Maler and Z. Manna and A. Pnueli From Timed to Hybrid Systems
13 R. Alur and T.A. Henzinger Real-time Logics: Complexity and Expressiveness
14 Y. Kesten and A. Pnueli Timed and Hybrid Statecharts and their Textual
15 E. Harel and O. Lichtenstein and A. Pnueli Explicit Clock Temporal Logic
16 E. Chang and Z. Manna and A. Pnueli The Safety-Progress Classification
17 R. Alur and T.A. Henzinger Logics and models of real time: a survey
18 T. Henzinger and Z. Manna and A. Pnueli Timed Transition Systems
19 T. Henzinger and Z. Manna and A. Pnueli What Good are Digital Clocks?
20 Eric Nassor and Guy Vidal-Naquet Suitability of the Propositional Temporal Logic to
21 W. Ackermann Solvable Cases of the Decision Problem
22 C.-J. Seger A Bounded Delay Race Model
23 E.A. Emerson and A.K. Mok and A.P. Sistla Quantitative Temporal Reasoning
24 E.A. Emerson and A.K. Mok and A.P. Sistla Quantitative Temporal Reasoning
25 A. Pnueli How Vital is Liveness?
26 Burch J.R. and McMillan K.L. and Clarke E.M. and Sequential Circuit Verification Using Symbolic Model
27 Z. Chaochen and C.A.R Hoare and A.P. Ravn A Calculus of Durations
28 M. Abadi and L. Lamport The Existence of Refinement Mappings
29 M. Abadi and L. Lamport The Existence of Refinement Mappings
30 M. Abadi and Z. Manna Nonclausal Temporal Deduction
31 R. Alur and T.A. Henzinger A Really Temporal Logic
32 Il Moon and Powers G.J. and Burch J.R. and Clarke E.M. Automatic Verification of Sequential Control Systems Using
33 E.A. Emerson Temporal and Modal Logic
34 van Emde Boas P. Machine Models ans Simulation
35 D.S. Johnson A Catalog of Complexity Classes
36 E. Chang Compositional Verification of Reactive and Real-Time Systems
37 E. Chang and Z. Manna and A. Pnueli Compositional Verification of Real-Time Systems
38 W. Thomas Automata on Infinite Objects
39 N.H. Margolus Physics and Computation
40 O. Maler Hybrid Systems and Real-World Computations
41 van Glabbeek R.J. The Linear Time -- Branching Time Spectrum
42 van Glabbeek R.J. A Complete Axiomatization for Branching Bisimulation
43 J.C.M. Baeten and J.A. Bergstra Discrete Time Process Algebra
44 J.U. Skakkebaek and A.P. Ravn and H. Rischel and Z. Chaochen Specification of Embedded Real-Time Systems
45 K.M. Hansen and A.P. Ravn and H. Rischel Specifying and Verifying Requirements of Real-Time
46 K.M. Hansen and A.P. Ravn and H. Rischel Specifying and Verifying Requirements of Real-Time
47 R. Gerth and R. Kuiper and J. Segers Interface Refinement in Reactive Systems
48 J. Gunawardena Periodic Behaviour in Times Systems with AND OR
49 R. Milner Operational and Algebraic Semantics of Concurrent Processes
50 H. Sipma CS 352 Notes
51 de Nicola R. and M.C.B. Hennessy Testing Equivalence for Processes
52 Harper R. and Honsell F. and Plotkin G. A Framework for Defining Logics
53 C.A. Gunter and D.S. Scott Semantic Domains
54 J.C. Mitchell Type Systems for Programming Languages
55 M.J. Fischer and R.E. Ladner Propositional Dynamic Logic of Regular Programs
56 H. Barringer and R. Kuiper and A. Pnueli A Really Abstract Concurrent Model and its Temporal
57 A. Pnueli and L. Zuck In and Out of Temporal Logic
58 N. Lynch Simulation Techniques for Proving Properties of
59 L. Lamport The Temporal Logic of Actions
60 L. Lamport Hybrid Systems in TLA+
61 L. Lamport The Temporal Logic of Actions
62 A. Benveniste Data-flow Synchronous Languages
63 J. Zwiers Partial Order Based Design of Concurrent Systems
64 E.M. Clarke Verification Tools for Finite-State Concurrent Systems
65 J.A. Brzozowski and Seger C.-J A Characterization of Ternary Simulation of Gate Networks
66 Seger C.-J and J.A. Brzozowski An Optimistic Ternary Simulation of Gate Races
67 Morin L. and Li H.F. Design of Synchronisers: a Review
68 Kleeman L. and Cantoni A. Metastable Behavior in Digital Systems
69 Nootbaar K. and Spehn R.W. and Tyler E. Minimizing the Effect of Metastability in BiCMOS
70 R. Alur and T.A. Henzinger and M.Y. Vardi Parametric real-time reasoning
71 M.R. Hansen and Z. Chaochen and J. Staunstrup A Real-Time Duration Semantics for Circuits
72 K.M. Chandy Reasoning about Continuous Systems
73 Z. Chaochen and A.P. Ravn and M.R. Hansen An Extended Duration Calculus for Hybrid Real-Time Systems
74 Z. Liu and A.P. Ravn and E.V. S\orensen and Z. Chaochen Towards a Calculus of System Dependability
75 T.A. Henzinger The Temporal Specification and Verification of Real-time
76 X. Nicollin and J. Sifakis and S. Yovine Compiling Real-Time Specifications into Extended Automata
77 X. Nicollin and J. Sifakis and S. Yovine From ATP to Timed Graphs and Hybrid Systems
78 X. Nicollin and J. Sifakis The Algebra of Timed Processes ATP: Theory and Application
79 X. Nicollin and J. Sifakis An Overview and Synthesis on Timed Process Algebras
80 X. Nicollin and A. Olivero and J. Sifakis and S. Yovine An Approach to the Description and Analysis of
81 A.P. Ravn and H. Rischel Requirements Capture for Embeded Real-Time Systems
82 K.R. Apt and De Roever W.P. A Proof System for Communicating Sequential Processes
83 W. Ackermann Solvable Cases of the Decision Problem
84 Z. Ying Modeling and Reasoning about Robotic Systems and Behaviors:
85 W. Thomas Logical Specifications of Infinite Computations
86 Y. Kesten and A. Pnueli TLR: Having Your Next and Eating it Too
87 A. Pnueli System Specification and Refinement in Temporal Logic
88 T. Rokicki Representing and Modeling Circuits
89 T. Rokicki Geometric Approaches to State Space Evaluation of
90 D. Harel Statecharts: A Visual Formalism for Complex Systems
91 McGuire H. and Z. Manna and R. Waldinger A Deductive System for Temporal Logic
92 Jayadev Misra Powerlist: A Structure for Parallel Recursion
93 R.H. Thomason Modal Logic and Metaphysics
94 R.H. Thomason Some Completeness Results for Modal Predicate Calculi
95 J. Hintikka Existential Presuppositions and Uniqueness Presuppositions
96 J. Rushby Critical System Properties: Survey and Taxonomy
97 P.M. Melliar-Smith Extending Interval Logic to Real-Time Systems
98 R.L.Schwartz and P.M. Melliar-Smith and F.H. Vogt An Interval Logic for Higher-Level Temporal Reasoning
99 J.R. Burch Trace Algebra for Automatic Verification of Real-Time
100 D.E. Long Model Checking Abstraction and Compositional Verification
101 Z. Manna and R. Waldinger Fundamentals of Deductive Program Synthesis
102 Z. Manna and P. Wolper Synthesis of Communicating Processes from Temporal
103 R. Alur Techniques for Automatic Verification of Real-time Systems
104 Mart\'\in Abadi and Leslie Lamport Decomposing Specifications of Concurrent Systems
105 M. Abadi and L. Lamport Conjoining Specifications
106 D. Gallin Intensional and Higher-Order Modal Logic
107 Z. Manna and P. Wolper Synthesis of Communicating Processes from Temporal
108 P.L. Wolper Synthesis of Communicating Processes from Temporal
109 J.W. Garson
110 M. Abadi Temporal-Logic Theorem Proving
111 E. Bencivenga Intuitionistic Logic
112 Van Dalen D.
113 T. Henzinger and Z. Manna and A. Pnueli Temporal Proof Methodologies for Timed Transition Systems
114 T. Henzinger and Z. Manna and A. Pnueli An Interleaving Model for Real Time
115 L. Lamport What Good is Temporal Logic?
116 Z. Manna and A. Pnueli The Temporal Logic of Reactive and Concurrent
117 Z. Manna and A. Pnueli Temporal Verification of Reactive Systems: Safety
118 R. Koymans Specifying Real-Time Properties With Metric Temporal Logic
119 R. Hojati and V. Singhal and R.K. Brayton Edge-Streett/Edge-Rabin Automata Environment for Formal
120 R. Hojati and R.K. Brayton An Environment for Formal Verification Based On
121 R. Hojati and R.K. Brayton and R.P. Kurshan BDD-Based Debugging Of Designs Using Language Containment
122 Berkeley CAD group in Verification Revisiting Blif-MV An Intermediate format For Verification and
123 A. Aziz and F. Balarin and R.K. Brayton and S.-T. Cheng HSIS: A BDD-Based Environment for Formal Verification
124 The Berkeley Verifiers PIF: a Property Interchange Format for Verification Using
125 A.U. Shankar An Introduction to Assertional Reasoning for
126 L. Lamport Verification and Specification of Concurrent Programs
127 N. Dershowitz and Y.-J. Lee Logical Debugging
128 Y.-K. Tsay and R.L. Bagrodia Deducing Fairness Properties for UNITY Programs:
129 L.C. Paulson Isabelle: The Next 700 Theorem Provers
130 N. Dershowitz and U.S. Reddy Deductive and Inductive Synthesis of Equational Programs
131 Z. Manna and A. Pnueli Temporal Verification Diagrams
132 R. Harper Introduction to Standard ML
133 Z. Manna and M. Paltrinieri and R. Waldinger Deductive Synthesis of Concurrent Construction Plans
134 Z. Manna and M. Paltrinieri and R. Waldinger Deductive Synthesis of Concurrent Construction Plans
135 Z. Manna and M. Paltrinieri and R. Waldinger Temporal Planning
136 Z. Manna and R. Waldinger The Deductive Synthesis of Imperative sc LISP Programs
137 Z. Manna and R. Waldinger How to Clear a Block: a Theory of Plans
138 B. Jonsson and Z. Manna and R. Waldinger Towards Deductive Syntehsis of Data-flow Networks
139 Z. Manna and R.J. Waldinger A Deductive Approach to Program Synthesis
140 R.W. Floyd Assigning Meanings to Programs
141 Y. Kesten and Z. Manna and H. McGuire and A. Pnueli A Decision Algorithm for Full Propositional Temporal Logic
142 M. Blum and R.W. Floyd and V. Pratt and R.L. Rivest Time Bounds for Selection
143 R.W. Floyd An Algorithm for Coding Efficient Arithmetic Operations
144 R.W. Floyd The Paradigms of Programming
145 Z. Manna and R. Waldinger Deductive Synthesis of the Unification Algorithm
146 Z. Manna and A. Pnueli Verifying Hybrid Systems
147 N.J. Cutland Computability: an Introduction to Recursive Function Theory
148 R. Goldblatt Logics of Time and Computation
149 H.R. Lewis and C.H. Papadimitriou Elements of the Theory of Computation
150 H. Rogers Theory of Recursive Functions and Effective Computability
151 F. Kr\oger On the Interpretability of Arithmetic in Temporal Logic
152 A. Szalas and L. Holenderski Incompleteness of First-Order Temporal Logic with Until
153 A. Szalas Concerning the semantic Consequence Relation in
154 A. Szalas A Complete Axiomatic Characterization of First-Order
155 A. Szalas Arithmetical Axiomatization of First-Order
156 A. Szalas On Strictly Arithmetical Completeness in Logics of
157 D.M. Gabbay and I.M. Hodkinson An Axiomatization of the Temporal Logic with Until
158 R. Alur and T. Feder and T.A. Henzinger The Benefits of Relaxing Punctuality
159 D.M. Gabbay and V.B. Shehtman Undecidability of Modal and Intermediate
160 B. Moszkowski Some Very Compositional Temporal Properties
161 H.B. Enderton A Mathematical Introduction to Logic
162 M. Fitting Proof Methods for Modal and Intuitionistic Logic
163 M. Abadi and Z. Manna Nonclausal Deduction in First-Order Temporal Logic
164 Z. Manna and R. Waldinger Problematic Features of Programming Languages:
165 Y. Auffray and P. Enjalbert Modal Theorem Proving: An Equational Viewpoint
166 D. Perrin Finite Automata
167 G.E. Hughes and M.J. Cresswell An Introduction to Modal Logic
168 R. Goldblatt Mathematics of Modality
169 G.S. Boolos and R.C. Jeffrey Computability and Logic
170 S.C. Kleene Introduction to Metamathematics
171 B.F. Chellas Modal Logic: an Introduction
172 Aida Pliu\vskevi\vcien\.e Gentzen-Type Calculi for Modal Logic S4 with Barcan
173 Regimantas Pliu\vskevi\vcius Logical Foundation for Logic Programming Based on
174 P. Jackson and H. Reichgelt A General Proof Method for Modal Predicate Logic
175 N.S. Bj\orner On Formally Undecidable Propositions of Duration
176 C. Stirling Modal and Temporal Logics
177 M. Ben-Ari
178 F. Kroeger Temporal Logic of Programs
179 Z. Manna and A. Pnueli Verification of Concurrent Programs:
180 G. Corsi Quantified Modal Logic: An Introduction
181 A. Pnueli The Temporal Logic of Programs
182 M.R. Hansen and Z. Chaochen Semantics and Completeness of Duration Calculus
183 J.P. Burgess Correspondence Theory
184 van Benthem J.
185 J.P. Burgess Axioms for Tense Logic I. ``Since'' and ``Until''
186 J.P. Burgess Axioms for Tense Logic II. Time periods
187 G. Lolli Introduzione alla logica formale
188 K.R. Apt and E.-R. Olderog Verification of Sequential and Concurrent Programs
189 G. Mints A Short Introduction to Modal Logic
190 S. Kripke Basic Modal Logic
191 R.A. Bull and K. Segerberg
192 J.A.W. Kamp Tense Logic and the Theory of Order
193 A.U. Shankar Reasoning Assertionally about Real-Time Systems
194 Y. Kesten and Z. Manna and A. Pnueli Temporal Verification of Simulation and Refinement
195 Z. Manna and A. Pnueli An Exercise in the Verification of Multi-Process
196 Z. Manna and A. Pnueli Tools and Rules for the Practicing Verifier
197 M. Nagayama C. Talcott An NQTHM Mechanization of An Exercise in the
198 M. fisher A Normal Form for First-Order Temporal Formulae
199 M.U. S\orensen and O.E. Hansen and H.H. Combining Temporal Specification Techniques
200 S. Owre and N. Shankar and J.M. Rushby The PVS Specification Language (Beta Release)
201 S. Owre and N. Shankar and J.M. Rushby User Guide for the PVS Specification and
202 S. Owre and N. Shankar and J.M. Rushby The PVS Proof Checker: A Reference Manual (Beta Release)
203 S. Owre and N. Shankar and J.M. Rushby A Tutorial on Specification and Verification Using
204 M. Abadi and L. Lamport and P. Wolper Realizable and Unrealizable Concurrent Program
205 J.R. Burch and D.L. Dill Automatic Verification of Pipelined Microprocessor Control
206 van Benthem J. and J. Bergstra Logic of Transition Systems
207 van Benthem J. and van Eijck J. and Steblestova V. Modal Logic Transition Systems and Processes
208 K.J. J\ullig
209 R. Koymans Specifying Message Passing and Time-Critical Systems
210 D. Harel Semantic Automata
211 van Benthem J.
212 N.S. Bj\orner Minimal Typing Derivations
213 S. Feferman Weyl Vindicated: Das Kontinuum 70 Years Later
214 S. Feferman The Development of Programs for the Foundations of
215 K.L. McMillan Symbolic Model Checking
216 E.M. Clarke and Grumberg O. and Hiraishi H. and
217 D. Sharp and P. Harrison and J. Darlington Synthesis of a Message-Passing Algorithm for
218 L. Ness L.0: A Truly Concurrent Executable Temporal Logic
219 J. Cantrell Futurebus+ Cache Coherence
220 V. Pratt Action Logic and Pure Induction
221 D.L. Dill Trace Theory for Automatic Hierarchical Verification
222 A.J. Martin The Design of a Self-Timed Circuit for Distributed
223 E.P. Gribomont and D. Rossetto CAVEAT: Technique and Tool for Computer Aided
224 M.R. Hansen and P.K. Pandya and Z. Chaochen Finite Divergence
225 W. Zhang Verification of XYZ/SE Programs
226 W. Zhang Implementation of XYZ/VERI II
227 W. Zhang Verification of XYZ/SE Programs
228 S.T. Cheng Synthesizing FSMs from Verilog Programs
229 S.T Cheng and R.K. Brayton Compiling Verilog into Automata
230 S. Buva\vc and V. Buva\vc and I.A. Mason Metamathematics of Contexts
231 Z. Manna and A. Anuchitanukul and N. Bj\orner and STeP: The Stanford Temporal Prover
232 N. Shankar A Lazy Approach to Compositional Verification
233 L. Lamport and S. Merz Specifying and Verifying FAult-Tolerant Systems
234 M. Fujita and S. Kono Synthesis of Controllers from Interval Temporal Logic
235 S. Kono Automatic Verification of Interval Temporal Logic
236 S. Kono A Combination of Clausal and Non Clausal Temporal
237 A. Nowatzyk Formal Verification in a Multiprocessor Design
238 S.M. German Verifying the Absence of Common Runtime Errors in
239 S.M. German Automating Proofs of the Absence of Common Runtime Errors
240 S.. GErman and B. Wegbreit A Synthesizer of Inductie Assertions
241 B.A. Trakhtenbrot Compositional Proofs for Networks of Processes
242 D. Craigen and S. Gerhart and T. Ralston An International Survey of Industrial Application of
243 D.L. Dill and E.M. Clarke Automatic Verification of Asynchronous Circuits Using
244 D.E. Thomas and P. Moorby The Verilog Hardware Description Language
245 R. de Nicola A. Fantechi S. Gnesi and G.Ristori An Action-Based Framework for Verifying Logical and
246 C.N. Ip and D.L. Dill Better Verification through Symmetry
247 K.A. Bartlett and R.A. Scantlebury and P.T. Wilson A Note on Reliable Full-Duplex Transmission over
248 van Benthem J. Beyond Accessibility
249 P. Abdulla and B. Jonsson Verifying Programs with Unreliable Channels
250 I. Walukiewicz On Completeness of the $mu$-Calculus
251 A. Bouajjani and R. Echahed and J. Sifakis On Model Checking for Real-Time Properties with Durations
252 B.K. Szymanski and J.M. Vidal Automatic Verification of a Class of Symmetric
253 D.D. Gajski and L. Ramachandran and P. Fung and Towards Achieving an 100-Hour Design Cycle: A Test Case
254 D.D. Gajski and F. Vahid and S. Narajan SpecCharts: A VHDL Front-End for Embedded Systems
255 C.L. Heitmeyer and R.D. Jeffords and B.G. Labaw Comparing Different Approaches for Specifying and
256 R.D. Jeffords Optimal Bounds for the Old Utility Property for the
257 T.A. Henzinger and P.W. Kopke Verification Methods for the Divergent Runs of
258 De Nicola R. and A. Fantechi and S. Gnesi and G. Ristori An Action-Based Framework for Verifying Logical and
259 A. Fantechi and S. Gnesi and G. Ristori Compositionality and Bisimulation: A Negative
260 R. Alur and C. Courcoubetis Model-Checking in Dense Real-Time
261 A. Anuchitanukul and Z. Manna Diferential BDDs
262 W. Ji and Y. Xinyao and Z. Chaochen Refinement of Digital Dynamic Systems
263 Y. Xinyao and W. Ji and Z. Chaochen and P.K. Pandya Formal Design of Hybrid Systems
264 Z. Yuhua and Z. Chaochen A Formal Proof of the Deadline Driven Scheduler
265 Y. Huiqun and P.K. Pandya and S. Yongqiang A Calculus for Hybrid Sampled Data Systems
266 R. Alur and T.A. Henzinger Real-Time Systems Discrete Systems + Clock Variables
267 Norris Ip C. and D.L. Dill Efficient Verification of Symmetric Concurrent Systems
268 D. Katiyar and D. Luckham and J. Mitchell A Type System for Prototyping Languages
269 H. Garavel and J. Sifakis Compilation and Verification of LOTOS Programs
270 A. Fantechi and S. Gnesi and G. Ristori Compositional Logical Semantics and Lotos
271 S. Safra On the Complexity of $omega$-Automata
272 S. Safra and M.Y. Vardi On $omega$-Automata and Temporal Logic
273 J.A. Bergstra and J.W. Klop An Introduction to Process Algebra
274 R.S. Streett Propositional Dynamic Logic of Looping and Converse
275 M.O. Rabin Automata on Infinite Objects and Church's Problem
276 de Alfaro L. and Z. Manna Verification in Continuous Time by Discrete Reasoning
277 de Alfaro L. and Z. Manna Compositional Verification of Reactive and Real-Time Systems
278 E. Chang
279 D.L. Dill and A.J. Hu and W. Wong-Toi Checking for Language Inclusion Using Simulation Preorder
280 S.S. Lam and A.U. Shankar Protocol Verification via Projections
281 N.A. Lynch and M.R. Tuttle Hierarchical Correctness Proofs for Distributed Algorithms
282 A. Pnueli
283 J.H. Gallier Logic for Computer Science
284 E.A. Emerson and C.L. Lei Modalities for Model Checking: Branching Time Strikes Back
285 O. Lichtenstein and A. Pnueli Checking That Finite State Concurrent Programs
286 E.A. Emerson and A.P. Sistla Deciding Branching Time Logic
287 M.Y. Vardi and P. Wolper Automata Theoretic Techniques for Modal Logics of Programs
288 M.Y. Vardi and P. Wolper Automata Theoretic Techniques for
289 R. Alur and C. Courcoubetis and D.L. Dill Model-Checking for Real-Time Systems
290 E.M. Clarke and E.A. Emerson Design and Synthesis of Synchronization Skeletons Using
291 M. Ben-Ari and A. Pnueli and Z. Manna The Temporal Logic of Branching Time
292 E.A. Emerson and J.Y. Halpern ``Sometimes'' and ``Not Never'' Revisited:
293 O. Maler and A. Pnueli Tight Bounds on the Complexity of Cascaded
294 E.M. Clarke and E.A. Emerson and A.P. Sistla Automatic Verification of Finite State Concurrent
295 I.A. Browne and Z. Manna and H.B. Sipma Generalized Verification Diagrams
296 P. Blackburn and de Rijke M. Zooming In Zooming Out
297 de Rijke M. A Lindstrom Theorem for Modal Logic
298 P. Blackburn and de Rijke M. and Y. Venema The Algebra of Modal Logic
299 de Rijke M. The Logic of Pierce Algebras
300 P. Blackburn and de Rijke M. Why Combine Logics?
301 de Rijke M. Modal Model Theory
302 de Rijke M. Extending Modal Logic
303 D. Dam and O. Grumberg and R. Gerth Abstract Interpretation of Reactive Systems:
304 S. Katz and Z. Manna Logical Analysis of Programs
305 S. Campos and E. Clarke and W. Marrero and M. Minea Computing Quantitative Charateristics of Finite-State
306 E.W. Dijkstra and C.S. Scholten Predicate Calculus and Program Semantics
307 A. Nowatzyk Formal Verification in a Multiprocessor Design
308 N. Halbwachs Synchronous Programming of Reactive Systems
309 J.C. Kunz and Y. Jin and R.E. Levitt and S.-D. Lin The Intelligent Real-Time Maintenance Management
310 J. Rushby Formal Specification and Verification for
311 J. Staunstrup and N. Mellergaard Synchronized Transitions
312 Y. Kesten and A. Pnueli A Complete Proof System for QPTL*
313 M.Y. Vardi and P. Wolper Automata-Theoretic Techniques for
314 E.M. Clarke and M.C. Browne and E.A. Emerson and Using Temporal Logic for Automatic Verification of
315 E.M. Clarke and I.A. Draghicescu and R.P. Kurshan A unified approach for showing language inclusion
316 M.Y. Vardi Nontraditional Applications of Automata Theory
317 G. Bhat and R. Cleaveland and O. Grumberg Efficient On-the-Fly Model Checking for CTL*
318 M.Y. Vardi On the Complexity of Modular Model Checking
319 O. Kupferman and A. Pnueli Once and For All
320 O. Grumberg and D.E. Long Model Checking and Modular Verification
321 A.R. Cavalli and Farina del Cerro L. A Decision Method for Linear Temporal Logic
322 A. Pnueli In transition for Global to Modular Temporal
323 Gerth R. Foundations of Compositional Program Refinement-Safety
324 Kurshan R.P. Analysis of discrete event coordination
325 R. Alur and D. Dill The Theory of Timed Automata
326 L. Fix and O. Grumberg Verification of Temporal Properties
327 O. Maler and A. Pnueli On the Cascaded Decomposition of Automata
328 H.B. Sipma and T.E. Uribe and Z. Manna Deductive Model Checking
329 M. Carpentier and A.E. Hadri and G. Padiou A UNITY-Based Algorithm Design Assistant
330 X. Nicollin and J. Sifakis and S. Yovine Compiling Real-Time Specifications into Extended
331 X. Nicollin and J. Sifakis and S. Yovine From ATP to Timed Graphs and Hybrid Systems
332 X. Nicollin and J. Sifakis The Algebra of Timed Processes ATP: Theory and
333 X. Nicollin and J. Sifakis An Overview and Synthesis on Timed Process Algebras
334 X. Nicollin and A. Olivero and J. Sifakis and S. Yovine An Approach to the Description and Analysis of Hybrid
335 N. Bj\orner and A. Browne and E. Chang STeP: The Stanford Temporal Prover (Educational
336 O. Kupferman Model Checking for Branching-Time Temporal Logics
337 Aho and Hopcroft and Ullman Data Structures and Algorithms
338 S. Sastry and G. Meyer and C. Tomlin and Hybrid Control in Air Traffic Management Systems
339 Intel Formal Verification of a Sequential Multiplier via
340 C. Heitmeyer and N. Lynch The Generalized Railroad Crossing: A Case Study in
341 C.L. Heitmeyer and R.D. Jeffords and B.G. Labaw Comparing Different Approaches for Specifying and
342 F. Andersen and K.D. Petersen and J.S. Pettersson A Graphical Tool for Proving UNITY Progress
343 T.A. Henzinger and P.W. Kopke and A. Puri and P. Varaiya What's Decidable about Hybrid Automata
344 A. Anuchitanukul and Z. Manna Differential BDDs
345 C.-F. Yu and V.D. Gligor A Formal Specification and Verification Method for
346 J. McLean A General Theory of Composition for a Class of
347 G. Lowe SPLICE/AS: A Case Study in Using CSP to Detect
348 T.Y.C. Woo and S.S. Lam Verifying Authentication Protocols: Methodology and
349 T.Y.C. Woo and S.S. Lam A Semantic Model for Authentication Protocols
350 M. Burrows and M. Abadi and R. Needham A Logic of Authentication
351 N. Heintze and J.D. Tygar A Model for Secure Protocols and Their Compositions
352 D. Bolignano An Approach to the Formal Verification of
353 G.J. Holzmann and O. Kupferman Not checking for Closure under Stuttering
354 O. Kupferman and M.Y. Vardi Module Checking
355 O. Kupferman and M.Y. Vardi Module Checking Revisited
356 O. Kupferman and M.Y. Vardi Modular model checking
357 O. Kupferman and M.Y. Vardi Robust satisfaction
358 O. Kupferman and M.Y. Vardi Verification of Fair Transition Systems
359 O. Kupferman and S. Safra and M.Y. Vardi Relating Word and Tree Automata
360 J.F. Groote and F. Vaandrager An Efficient Algorithm for Branching Bisimulation and
361 J.F. Groote and F. Vaandrager An Efficient Algorithm for Branching Bisimulation and
362 R. Alur and D. Dill Automata For Modeling Real-Time Systems
363 A. Kapur and T.A. Henzinger and Z. Manna and A. Pnueli Proving Safety Properties of Hybrid Systems
364 E.A. Emerson and J. Srinivasan Branching Time Temporal Logic
365 M. Koutny Axiom System Induced by CTL* Logic
366 C. Stirling Comparing Linear and Branching Time Temporal Logics
367 E.M. Clarke and I.A. Draghicescu Expressibility Results for Linear-Time and Branching-Time
368 R. Gotzhein Specifying Communication Services with Temporal
369 E.A. Emerson Real-Time and the Mu-Calculus
370 M. Dam CTL* and ECTL* as Fragments of the Modal
371 Z. Manna and A. Pnueli Clocked Transition Systems
372 Y. Kesten and Z. Manna and A. Pnueli Verifying Clocked Transition Systems
373 O. Maler and A. Pnueli and J. Sifakis On the Synthesis of Discrete Controllers for Timed
374 de Alfaro L. Logica Temporale e Sistemi in Tempo Reale
375 J.E. Hopcroft An $n log n$ Algorithm for Minimizing States in a
376 de Alfaro L. and Z. Manna Temporal Verification by Diagram Transformations
377 de Alfaro L. and Manna Z. Temporal Verification by Diagram Transformations
378 R. Alur and C. Courcoubebetis and The Algorithmic Analysis of Hybrid Systems
379 L. Lamport TLA in pictures
380 W. Tomas Languages Automata and Logic
381 G. Gawlick and R. Segala and J. Liveness in Timed and Untimed Systems
382 R. Segala and G. Gawlick and Liveness in Timed and Untimed Systems
383 D. Lehmann and A. Pnueli and J. Stavi Impartiality Justice and Fairness: the Ethics of
384 N.A. Lynch and H. Attiya Using Mappings to Prove Timing Properties
385 Barbara D. and Garcia-Molina H. The Demarcation Protocol: a Technique for Maintaining Linear
386 D. Cohen-Or and E. Rich and U. Lerner and V. Shenkar A Real-Time Photo-Realistic Visual Flythrough
387 D. Lesens and N. Halbwachs and P. Raymond Automatic Verification of Parametrized
388 S. Safra Exponential Determinization for $omega$-Automata
389 D. Lehmann and A. Pnueli and J. Stavi Impartiality Justice and Fairness:
390 de Alfaro L. and A. Kapur and Z. Manna Hybrid Diagrams: A Deductive-Algorithmic Approach
391 de Alfaro L. and A.R. Meo Codes for Second and Third Order GH-ARQ Schemes
392 de Alfaro L. Determination of Automorphic Codes
393 A. Browne and de Alfaro L. and Manna Z. and Diagram-Based Formalisms for the Verification of
394 Z. Manna and N. Bj\orner and STeP: The Stanford Temporal Prover
395 de Alfaro L. and Manna Z. and H.B. Sipma and Visual Verification of Reactive Systems
396 Prat Bastai A. and de Alfaro L. Molecole ed Energia
397 de Alfaro L. Modem per Canali ad Alto Tasso di Errore:
398 de Alfaro L. Logica Temporale e Sistemi in Tempo Reale
399 N.S. Bj\orner and U. Lerner and Z. Manna Deductive Verification of Parameterized
400 J.R. Burch and E.M. Clarke and K.L. McMillan and Symbolic model checking: $10^20$ states and beyond
401 E.M. Clarke and O. Grumberg and D.E. Long Model Checking and Abstraction
402 E.M. Clarke and O. Grumberg and D.E. Long Model Checking and Abstraction
403 E.M. Clarke and O. Gr\umberg Avoiding the State Explosion Problem in
404 R. Milner A Calculus of Communicating Systems
405 R. Milner Calculi for Synchrony and Asynchrony
406 R. Milner An algebraic definition of simulation between programs
407 E. Clarke and O. Grumberg and D. Long Model Checking
408 E.M. Clarke and J.R. Burch and D.E. Long and Automatic Verification of Sequential Circuit Design
409 Francez N. Fairness
410 K.R. Apt and N. Francez and Katz S. Appraising Fairness in Languages for Distributed Programming
411 J.P. Queille and J. Sifakis Fairness and Related Properties in Transition Systems
412 E. Clarke and M. Fujita and X. Zhao Multi-Terminal Binary Decision Diagrams and Hybrid
413 R. McNaughton Testing and Generating Infinite Sequences by a Finite
414 D. Scott and C. Strachey Towards a Mathematical Semantics for Computer Languages
415 R. Alur and C. Courcoubetis and D. Dill Model-Checking for Real-Time Systems
416 D.E. Muller P.E. Schupp Simulating Alternating Tree Automata by
417 J.A. Bergstra and J.W. Klop Process Algebra for Synchronous Communication
418 L. Lamport Proving the Correctness of Multiprocessor Programs
419 R. Alur and D.L. Dill A Theory of Timed Automata
420 N. Bj\orner and A. Browne and Z. Manna Automatic Generation of Invariants and Intermediate
421 M.Y. Vardi and P. Wolper An Automata-Theoretic Approach to Automatic Program
422 de Alfaro L. and A. Kapur and Z. Manna Hybrid Diagrams: A Deductive-Algorithmic Approach
423 A. Bouajjani and R. Robbana Verifying $omega$-Regular Properties for a Subclass
424 A. Bouajjani and Y. Lakhnech Logics vs. Automata: The Hybrid Case
425 A. Bouajjani and Y. Lakhnech and R. Robbana From Duration Calculus to Hybrid Automata
426 W. Thomas On the Synthesis of Strategies in Infinite Games
427 T.A. Henzinger and S. Qadeer and S.K. Rajamani and An Assume-Guarantee Rule for Checking Simulation
428 K.L. McMillan A Compositional Rule for Hardware Design Refinement
429 R. Alur and T.A. Henzinger Reactive Modules
430 L. Lamport Specifying Concurrent Program Modules
431 E.W. Stark A Proof Technique for Rely/Guarantee Properties
432 E.M. Clarke and D.E. Long and K.L. McMillan Compositional Model Checking
433 R. Alur and T.A. Henzinger and F.Y.C. Mang and Mocha: Modularity in Model Checking
434 H.R. Andersen Partial Model Checking
435 R. Alur and T.A. Henzinger and O. Kupferman Alternating-time temporal logic
436 R.P. Kurshan Computer-aided Verification of Coordinating Processes:
437 G.J. Holzman Design and Validation of Computer Protocols
438 R. Brayton and G. Hachtel and VIS: A system for Verification and Synthesis
439 S. Graf and H. Sa\\i di Verifying Invariants Using Theorem Proving
440 S. Graf and H. Sa\\i di Construction of Abstract State Graphs With PVS
441 D. Dams Abstract Interpretation and Partition Refinement for
442 P. Cousot and R. Cousot Abstract Interpretation: A Unified Lattice Model for
443 R. Alur and T.A. Henzinger and O. Kupferman Alternating-time temporal logic
444 M.R. Garey and D.S. Johnson Computers and Intractability: A Guide to the
445 E. Asarin and O. Maler and A. Pnueli and J. Sifakis Controller Synthesis for Timed Automata
446 E. Asarin and O. Maler and A. Pnueli Symbolic Controller Synthesis for Discrete and Timed
447 R. Alur and T.A. Henzinger and O. Kupferman and M.Y. Vardi Alternating Refinement Relations
448 R. Alur and de Alfaro L. and T.A. Henzinger and Automating Modular Verification
449 T.A. Henzinger and O. Kupferman and S.K. Rajamani Fair simulation
450 T.A. Henzinger and S. Qadeer and S.K. Rajamani and An assume-guarantee rule for checking simulation
451 R. Alur and T.A. Henzinger Modularity for timed and hybrid systems
452 J.P. Queille and J. Sifakis Specification and Verification of Concurrent Systems
453 N.A. Lynch Distributed Algorithms
454 C.A.R. Hoare Communicating Sequential Processes
455 C.A.R. Hoare Communicating Sequential Processes
456 A. Pnueli and R. Rosner On the synthesis of a reactive module
457 P.J.G. Ramadge and W.M. Wonham The Control of Discrete Event Systems
458 E.A. Emerson and C.S. Jutla Tree Automata Mu-Calculus and Determinacy
459 Y. Gurevich and L. Harrington Trees Automata and Games
460 T.A. Henzinger It's about time: real-time logics reviewed
461 R.E. Bryant Graph-Based Algorithms for Boolean Function
462 K.M. Chandy and J. Misra Parallel Program Design: A Foundation
463 T.A. Henzinger and X. Liu and S. Qadeer and S.K. Rajamani Formal specification and verification of a dataflow processor
464 R. McNaughton Infinite Games Played on Finite Graphs
465 N. Klarlund
466 A.W. Mostowski Regular Expressions for Infinite Trees and a
467 S. Krishnan and A. Puri and R. Brayton and P. Varaiya Rabin Index Chain Automata and
468 H. Lescow and T. Wilke On Polynomial-Size Programs Winning Finite-State Games
469 J.R. B\uchi and L.H. Landweber Solving Sequential Conditions by Finite-State Strategies
470 N. Buhrke and H. Lescow and J. V\oge Strategy Construction in Infinite Games
471 D.L. Dill Trace Theory for Automatic Hierarchical Verification of
472 F. Balarin and M. Chiodo and P. Giusto and H. Hsieh and Hardware-Software Co-Design of Embedded Systems:
473 Biere A. and Cimatti A. and Clarke E. and Zhu Y. Symbolic Model Checking Without BDDs
474 A. Biere and A. Cimatti and E. M. Clarke and Symbolic Model Checking using SAT procedures instead
475 T.A. Henzinger and S. Qadeer and S.K. Rajamani You assume we guarantee: methodology and case studies
476 T.A. Henzinger and O. Kupferman and S. Qadeer From em pre/historic to em post/modern symbolic model
477 M. Tiemann The CORBA Reference Guide : Understanding the Common
478 A. Pope CORBA Fundamentals and Programming
479 J. Siegel
480 R. Barden and S. Stepney and D. Cooper Z in Practice
481 M. Imperato An Introduction to Z
482 A. Diller Z: An Introduction to Formal Methods
483 J.C. Mitchell Foundations for Programming Languages
484 B. Meyer Object-Oriented Software Construction
485 P. Chan The Java Class Libraries
486 F. Kuhns and C. O'Ryan and D.C. Schmidt and The Design and Performance of a Pluggable Protocols
487 C.D. Gill and D.L. Levine and D.C. Schmid The Design and Performance of a Real-Time CORBA
488 Z. Manna et al. STeP: Deductive-Algorithmic Verification of
489 D. Clarke and I. Lee and H. Xie VERSA: A Tool for the Specification and Analysis of
490 QNX Software Systems Ltd.
491 F. Balarin and M. Chiodo and P. Giusto and H. Hsieh Hardware-Software Co-Design of Embedded Systems: The
492 R. Alur and T.A. Henzinger Real-time logics: complexity and expressiveness
493 T.A. Henzinger and X. Nicollin and J. Sifakis and S. Yovine Symbolic model checking for real-time systems
494 J.L. Peterson and A. Silberschatz Operating System Concepts
495 A. Blass and Y. Gurevich Henkin Quantifiers and Complete Problems
496 L. Henkin Some Remarks on Infinitely Long Formulas
497 W. Walkoe Finite Partially-Ordered Quantification
498 D. Lehman and S. Shelah Reasoning with Time and Chance
499 R. Alur and C. Courcoubetis and D. Dill Verifying Automata Specifications of Probabilistic
500 Oxford University Timed CSP Group Timed CSP: Theory and Practice
501 R. Gotzhein Specifying Communication Services with Temporal
502 E.M. Clarke and I.A. Draghicescu Expressibility Results for Linear-Time and Branching-Time
503 C. Stirling Comparing Linear and Branching Time Temporal Logics
504 S. Hart and M. Sharir and A. Pnueli Termination of Probabilistic Concurrent Programs
505 D. Kozen Semantic of Probabilistic Programs
506 A. Pnueli On the Extremely Fair Treatment of Probabilistic
507 D. Kozen Results on the propositional $mu$-calculus
508 D. Kozen A Probabilistic PDL
509 Y.A. Feldman A Decidable Propositional Probabilistic Dynamic Logic
510 Y.A. Feldman and D. Harel A Probabilistic Dynamic Logic
511 J.H. Reif Logic for Probabilistic Programming
512 R. Fagin and J.Y. Halpern and N. Megiddo A Logic for Reasoning about Probabilities
513 A. Pnueli and L.D. Zuck Probabilistic Verification
514 J.C.M. Baeten and J.A. Bergstra and S.A. Smolka Axiomatizing Probabilistic Processes:
515 K.G. Larsen and A. Skou Compositional Verification of Probabilistic Processes
516 L. Christoff and I. Christoff Efficient Algorithms for Verification of
517 M.O. Rabin Probabilistic Automata
518 K.G. Larsen and A. Skou Bisimulation Through Probabilistic Testing
519 B. Jonsson and K.G. Larsen Specification and Refinement of Probabilistic Processes
520 C. Courcoubetis and M. Yannakakis Verifying Temporal Properties of Finite-State
521 M.Y. Vardi Automatic Verification of Probabilistic Concurrent
522 van Glabbeek R. and Smolka S.A. and Reactive Generative and Stratified Models of Probabilistic
523 van Glabbeek R. and Smolka S.A. and Reactive Generative and Stratified Models of Probabilistic
524 D. Freedman Markov Chains
525 R. Alur and C. Courcoubetis and M. Yannakakis Distinguishing Tests for Nondeterministic and
526 Clarke E.M. and Emerson E.A. Synthesis of Synchronization Skeletons for Branching
527 R. Fagin and J.Y. Halpern Reasoning about Knowledge and Probability
528 M. Abadi and J.Y. Halpern Decidability and Expressiveness for First-Order
529 S. Hart and M. Sharir Probabilistic Temporal Logic for Finite and Bounded
530 Hart S. and Sharir M. Probabilistic Propositional Temporal Logics
531 A. Pnueli and L. Zuck Probabilistic Verification by Tableaux
532 E.A. Emerson and J.Y. Halpern Sometimes and Not Never Revisited: On
533 R. Alur and C. Courcoubetis and D.L. Dill Model-Checking for Probabilistic Real-Time Systems
534 S. Hart and M. Sharir and A. Pnueli Verification of Probabilistic Programs
535 S. Krauss and D. Lehmann Decision Procedures for Time and Chance
536 J.G. Kemeny and J.L. Snell and A.W. Knapp Denumerable Markov Chains
537 H. Hansson and B. Jonsson A Framework for Reasoning about Time and Reliability
538 H. Hansson and B. Jonsson A Logic for Reasoning about Time and Probability
539 H. Hansson Time and Probability in Formal Design of
540 H. Hansson
541 A. Aziz and V. Singhal and F. Balarin and It Usually Works: The Temporal Logic of Stochastic Systems
542 A. Schrijver Theory of Linear and Integer Programming
543 A. Bianco and de Alfaro L. Model Checking of Probabilistic and Nondeterministic
544 J.R. Rao Reasoning about Probabilistic Parallel Programs
545 N.J. Nilsson Probabilistic Logic
546 C. Courcoubetis and M. Yannakakis The Complexity of Probabilistic Verification
547 C. Courcoubetis and M. Yannakakis Markov Decision Processes and Regular Events
548 B. Jonsson and C. Ho-Stuart and Y. Wang Testing and Refinement for Nondeterministic and
549 R. Segala and N.A. Lynch Probabilistic Simulations for Probabilistic Processes
550 R. Segala and N.A. Lynch Probabilistic Simulations for Probabilistic Processes
551 C. Derman Finite State Markovian Decision Processes
552 M.L. Puterman Markov Decision Processes
553 R. Segala Modeling and Verification of Randomized Distributed
554 R. Gorrieri and F. Corradini and M. Roccetti Performance Preorder: Ordering Processes with
555 C. Baier and M. Kwiatkowska Model Checking for a Probabilistic Branching time
556 C. Baier and M. Kwiatkowska Model Checking for a Probabilistic Branching time
557 de Alfaro L. Formal Verification of Performance and Reliability of
558 D. Beauquier and A. Slissenko Polytime Model Checking for Timed Probabilistic
559 D. Beauquier and D. Burago and A. Slissenko On the Complexity of Finite Memory Strategies for
560 R. Segala A Compositional Trace-Based Semantics for
561 N. Lynch and I. Saias and R. Segala Proving Time Bounds for Randomized Distributed
562 A. Pogosyants and R. Segala Formal Verification of Timed Properties of Randomized
563 M.L. Littman and T.L. Dean and Pack Kaelbling L. On the Complexity of Solving Markov Decision Problems
564 K.W. Ross and R. Varadarajan A Sample Path Theory for Time-Average Markov Decision
565 C.H. Papadimitriou and J.N. Tsitsiklis The Complexity of Markov Decision Processes
566 R. Baldick A Unified Approach to Polynomially Solvable Cases of
567 Melekopoglou M. and Condon A. On the Complexity of the Policy Improvement Algorithm
568 D.P. Bertsekas and J.N. Tsitsiklis An Analysis of Stochastic Shortest Path Problems
569 D. Burago and de Rougemont M. and A. Slissenko On the Complexity of Partially Observed Markov
570 de Alfaro L. Temporal Logics for the Specification of Performance
571 E.V. Denardo Computing a Bias-Optimal Policy in a Discrete-Time
572 D.P. Bertsekas Dynamic Programming
573 D.P. Bertsekas Dynamic Programming and Optimal Control
574 D. Williams Probability With Martingales
575 G. Ciardo and R. German and C. Lindermann A Characterization of the Stochastic Process
576 G. Franceschinis and R.R. Muntz Computing Bounds for the Performance Indices of
577 J. Campos and J.M. Colom and H. Jungnitz and M. Silva Approximate Throughput Computation of Stochastic
578 R.J. Boucherie A Characterization of Independence for Competing
579 M.A. Holliday and M.K. Vernon A Generalized Petri Net Model for Performance Analysis
580 H. Howard Dynamic Programming and Markov Processes
581 D. Blackwell Discrete Dynamic Programming
582 E.V. Denardo and B. Fox Multichain Markov Renewal Programs
583 S. Karlin and H.M. Taylor A First Course in Stochastic Processes
584 R.E. Bellman Dynamic Programming
585 R.E. Bellman The Theory of Dynamic Programming
586 R.E. Bellman Applied Dynamic Programming
587 S. Karlin The Structure of Dynamic Programming Models
588 R. Howard Dynamic Probabilistic Systems
589 R. Howard Dynamic Probabilistic Systems: Semi-Markov and
590 L.E. Dubins and L.J. Savage How to Gamble if You Must: Inequalities for
591 D. Blackwell RIFARECONTROLLARE Discounted Dynamic Programming
592 D. Lehmann and M. Rabin On the Advantage of Free Choice: a Symmetrical and
593 A. Hordijk and L.C.M. Kallenberg Linear Programming and Markov Decision Chains
594 A. Hordijk and L.C.M. Kallenberg Constrained Undiscounted Stochastic Dynamic Programming
595 D.P. Heyman and M.J. Sobel Stochastic Models in Operations Research
596 D.P. Heyman and M.J. Sobel Stochastic Models in Operations Research
597 W.S. Jewell Markov-Renewal Programming I: Formulation Finite
598 S.M. Ross Average Cost Semi-Markov Decision Processes
599 S.M. Ross Applied Probability Models with Optimization Applications
600 P.J. Schweitzer Iterative Solution of the Functional Equations of
601 H.C. Tijms Stochastic Modelling and Analysis a Computational
602 A.F. Veinott Discrete Dynamic Programming With Sensitive
603 R.A. Howard Semi-Markovian Decision Problems
604 De Cani J.S. A Dynamic Programming Algorithm for Embedded Markov
605 A. Jensen Markov Chains As an Aid to the Study of Markov Processes
606 C. Baier and M. Kwiatkowska and M. Ryan and Symbolic Model Checking for Probabilistic Processes
607 M. Huth and M. Kwiatkowska Quantitative Analysis and Model Checking
608 C. Baier Polynomial Time Algorithms for Testing
609 J. Hillston A Compositional Approach to Performance Modelling
610 J. Hillston Compositional Markovian Modelling Using a
611 S. Gilmore and J. Hillston The PEPA Workbench: A Tool to Support a
612 J.K. Muppala and K.S. Trivedi Composite Performance and Availability Analysis
613 G. Ciardo and J.K. Muppala and K.S. Trivedi On the Solution of GSPN Reward Models
614 W.H. Sanders and J.F. Meyer Reduced Base Model Construction Methods for
615 A.F. Veinott Personal Communication
616 C. Baier and H. Hermanns Weak Bisimulation for Fully Probabilistic Processes
617 B. Delyon and O. Maler On the Effects of Noise and Speed on Computation
618 A.F. Veinott Markov Decision Chains
619 O. Maler A Decomposition Theorem for Probabilistic Transition
620 B. Jonsson and Y. Wang Compositional Testing Preorders for Probabilistic Processes
621 N.A. Lynch and M. Tuttle Hierarcical Correctness Proofs for Distributed
622 S.-H. Wu and S.A. Smolka and E.W. Stark Composition and Behaviors of Probabilistic I/O
623 S. Yuen and R. Cleaveland and Z. Dayar and S.A. Smolka Fully Abstract Characterizations of Testing Preorders for
624 T.E.S. Raghavan and S.H. Tijs and O.J. Vrieze On Stochastic Games with Additive Reward and
625 A.J. Hoffman and R.M. Karp On Nonterminating Stochastic Games
626 T.E.S. Raghavan and J.A. Filar Algorithms for Stochastic Games --- A Survey
627 L.S. Shapley Stochastic Games
628 G. Balbo On the Success of Stochastic Petri Nets
629 M.K. Molloy On the Integration of Delay and Throughput Measure In
630 S. Natkin Les Reseaux de Petri Stochastiques et leur
631 F.J.W. Symons Introduction to Numerical Petri Nets
632 Ajmone Marsan M. and G. Balbo and G. Conte A Class of Generalized Stochastic Petri Nets
633 J.K. Muppala and K.S. Trivedi Composite Performance and Availability Analysis Using
634 J.F. Meyer and A. Movaghar and W.H. Sanders Stochastic Activity Networks: Structure Behavior
635 White C.C. III and H.K. Eldeib Markov Decision Processes with Imprecise Transition
636 K.S. Trivedi Probability and Statistics with Reliability Queuing
637 W. Feller An Introduction to Probability Theory and Its Applications
638 L. Breiman Probability
639 Y. Azar and A.Z. Broder and A.R. Karlin and Biased Random Walks
640 K.D. Heitmann Temporal Logic applied to Reliability Modelling of
641 X.-R. Cao and X.-M. Yuan and L. Qiu A Single Sample Path-Based Performance Sensitivity
642 H. Baruh and T. Altiok Analytical Perturbations in Markov Chains
643 Cocozza-Thivent C. and Roussignol M. Stability of Recurrence of a Markov Chain Under a
644 De Nicola R. and M. Hennessy Testing Equivalences for Processes
645 S. Hart and M. Sharir Concurrent Probabilistic Programs or: How to
646 S. Hart and M. Sharir and A. Pnueli Termination of Probabilistic Concurrent Programs
647 I. Christoff A Method for Verification of Trace and Test Equivalence
648 C.-C. Jou and S.A. Smolka Equivalences Congruences and Complete
649 A. Giacalone and C. Jou and S.A. Smolka Algebraic Reasoning for Probabilistic Concurrent
650 M.K. Molloy Performance Analysis Using Stochastic Petri Nets
651 Y. Wang and K.G. Larsen Testing Probabilistic and Nondeterministic Processes
652 R. Cleaveland and S.A. Smolka and A. Zwarico Testing Preorders for Probabilistic Processes
653 K.G. Larsen and A. Skou
654 H.A. Hansson and B. Jonsson A Calculus for Communicating Systems With Time and
655 M. Bernardo and L. Donatiello and R. Gorrieri Modeling and Analyzing Concurrent Systems with MPA
656 M. Bernardo and L. Donatiello and R. Gorrieri Integrated Analysis of Concurrent Distributed Systems using
657 M. Bernardo and R. Gorrieri Extended Markovian Process Algebra
658 Bernardo M. and Busi N. and Gorrieri R. A Distributed Semantics for EMPA Based on Stochastic
659 X.J. Chen and F. Corradini and R. Gorrieri A Study on the Specification and Verification of
660 Bernardo M. and Donatiello L. and Gorrieri R. Giving a Net Semantics to Markovian Process Algebra
661 H. Hermanns and U. Herzog and V. Mertsiotakis Exploiting Stochastic Process Algebra Achievements
662 H.N. G\otz and U. Herzog and M. Rettelbach Multiprocessor and Distributed System Design: the
663 P. Buchholz Markovian Process Algebra: Composition and Equivalence
664 S. Donatelli and M. Ribaudo and J. Hillston A Comparison of Performance Evaluation Process
665 Ajmone Marsan M. and G. Balbo and G. Conte and Modelling with Generalized Stochastic Petri Nets
666 M. Ribaudo Stochastic Petri Net Semantics for Stochastic
667 C. Morgan and A. McIver and K. Seidel Probabilistic Predicate Transformers
668 N. Lynch Proving Performance Properties (even Probabilistic Ones)
669 B. Bloom and A.R. meyer A Remark on Bisimulation between Probabilisti Processes
670 C. Derman Stable Sequential Control Rules and Markov Chains
671 C. Derman On Sequential Decisions and Markov Chains
672 C. Derman On Sequential Control Processes
673 C. Derman and R. Strauch A Note on Memoryless Rules for Controlling
674 R. Strauch and A.F. Veinott A Property of Sequential Control Processes
675 A.F. Veinott On Finding Optimal Policies in Discrete Dynamic
676 L. Ramshaw Formalizing the Analysis of Algorithms
677 He J. and McIver A.K. and Seidel K. Probabilistic Models for the Guarded Command
678 R.E. Strauch Negative Dynamic Programming
679 R. Segala Testing Probabilistic Automata
680 R. Gorrieri and M. Roccetti and E. Stancampiano
681 R. Gorrieri and M. Roccetti Towards Performance Evaluation in Process Algebras
682 M. Bernardo and L. Donatiello and R. Gorrieri MPA: a Stochastic Process Algebra
683 M. Bernardo and L. Donatiello and R. Gorrieri Operational GSPN Semantics of MPA
684 J.L. Doob Measure Theory
685 de Alfaro L. Formal Verification of Probabilistic Systems
686 de Alfaro L. Formal Verification of Probabilistic Systems
687 Iyer P. and Narasimha M. Probabilistic Lossy Channel Systems
688 C. Baier and M.Z. Kwiatkowska Automatic Verification of Liveness Properties of
689 H. Mine and Y. Tabata Linear Programming and Continuous Markovian
690 A. Federgruen and H.C. Tijms The Optimality Equation in Average Cost
691 de Alfaro L. How to Specify and Verify the Long-Run Average
692 Liu Z. and Ravn A.P. and Sorensen E.V. and Zhou C.C. A Probabilistic Duration Calculus
693 W.J. Stuart Introduction to the Numerical Solution of Markov Chains
694 L.H. Landweber Decision Problems for $omega$--Automata
695 D. Ferrari Recursive Repeated Games with Absorbing States
696 J. Flesch and F. Thuijsman and O.J. Vrieze The Complexity of Stochastic Games
697 A. Condon
698 J.-Y. Cai and A. Condon and R.J. Lipton Playing Games of Incomplete Information
699 A. Condon and R.E. Ladner Probabilistic Game Automata
700 A. Condon Space-Bounded Probabilistic Game Automata
701 H.J. Kushner and S.G. Chamberlain Finite State Stochastic Games: Existence Theorems
702 P. Secchi Stationary Strategies for Recursive Games
703 J.H. Eaton and L.A. Zadeh Optimal Pursuit Strategies in Discrete-State
704 H. Everett Recursive Games
705 P.R. Kumar and T.H. Shiau Existence of Value and Randomized Strategies in
706 M. Bernardo An Algebra-Based Method to Associate Rewards with
707 G. Clark Formalising the Specification of Rewards with PEPA
708 R. Isaacs Differential Games
709 von Neumann J. Zur Theorie der Gesellschaftsspiele
710 O.J. Vrieze and S.H. Tijs and T.E.S. Raghavan and A Finite Algorithm for the Switching Controller
711 T. Ba\csar and G.J. Olsder Dynamic Noncooperative Game Theory
712 A. Maitra and J. Sudderth An Operator Solution of Stochastic Games
713 D. Gillette Stochastic Games with Zero Stop Probabilities
714 M. Stern On Stochastic Games with Limiting Average Payoff
715 J.A. Filar and T.E.S. Raghavan A Matrix Game Solution of the Single-Controller
716 J.A. Filar Ordered Field Property for Stochastic Games when the
717 O.J. Vrieze and S.H. Tijs and T.E.S. Raghavan A Finite Algorithm for the Switching Controller
718 M.J. Sobel Myopic Solutions of Markov Decision Processes
719 T. Parthasarathy and S.H. Tijs and O.J. Vrieze Stochastic Games with State Independent Transitions and
720 T.E.S. Raghavan and S.H. Tijs and O.J. Vrieze On Stochastic Games with Additive Reward and
721 U. Zwick and M. Paterson The Complexity of Mean Payoff Games on Graphs
722 J. Filar and K. Vrieze Competitive Markov Decision Processes
723 F. Thuijsman and O.J. Vrieze The Bad Match a Total Reward Stochastic Game
724 C. Beeri On the membership problem for functional and
725 R. Cleaveland and B. Steffen A Linear-Time Model-Checking Algorithm for the
726 C. Baier and M. Kwiatkowska On the Verification of Qualitative Properties of
727 M. Kwiatkowska Survey of Fairness Notions
728 de Alfaro L. and T.A. Henzinger and O. Kupferman Concurrent Reachability Games
729 de Alfaro L. Stochastic Transition Systems
730 R. Alur and T.A. Henzinger Finitary Fairness
731 de Alfaro L. and T.A. Henzinger and O. Kupferman Concurrent Reachability Games
732 M. Vardi Infinite games against nature
733 D.P. Bertsekas and J.N. Tsitsiklis Neuro-Dynamic Programming
734 M.Z. Kwiatkowska and G. Norman and D. Parker and R. Segala Symbolic Model Checking of Concurrent Probabilistic
735 D.P. Bertsekas Nonlinear Programming
736 J.H. Reif The Compexity of Two-Player Games of Incomplete
737 de Alfaro L. From Fairness to Chance
738 de Alfaro L. The Verification of Probabilistic Systems Under Memoryless
739 M. Kwiatkowska and G. Norman and D. Parker Personal communication
740 M. Bozga and O. Maler On the Representation of Probabilities over Structured
741 de Alfaro L. Computing Minimum and Maximum
742 C. Baier On Algorithmic Verification Methods for Probabilistic
743 E.W. Stark and S.A. Smolka Compositional Analysis of Expected Delays in Networks of
744 Kleinrock L. Queuing Theory
745 M. Kwiatkowska and G. Norman and R. Segala and Automatic Verification of Real-Time Systems with
746 C. Baier and J.P. Katoen and H. Hermanns Symbolic Model Checking of Continuous-Time Markov Chains
747 G. Gottlob and N. Leone and H. Veith Second Order Logic and the Weak Exponential Hierarchies
748 A.K. Chandra and D.C. Kozen and L.J. Stockmeyer Alternation
749 J. Rumbaugh and G. Booch and I. Jacobson The UML Reference Guide
750 R. Alur and T.A. Henzinger Local Liveness for Compositional Modeling of Fair
751 L. de Alfaro and T.A. Henzinger and F.Y.C. Mang Detecting Errors Before Reaching Them
752 J.A. Bergstra and J.W. Klop Algebra of Communicating Processes with Abstraction
753 M. Hennessy Algebraic Theory of Processes
754 R. Milner Communication and Concurrency
755 E. Clarke and K. McMillan and S. Campos and Symbolic Model Checking
756 N. Halbwachs and P. Caspi and P. Raymond and D. Pilaud The Synchronous Dataflow Programming Language Lustre
757 P. Caspi and D. Pilaud and N. Halbwachs and J. Plaice Lustre: a Declarative Language for Programming
758 G. Berry The Synchronous Language ESTEREL
759 G. Berry
760 G. Berry and G. Gonthier The Synchronous Programming Language ESTEREL:
761 le Guernic P. SIGNAL --- A Data Flow-Oriented Language for Signal Processing
762 L. de Alfaro and M. Kwiatkowska and G. Norman and Symbolic Model Checking of Concurrent Probabilistic
763 D.A. Martin An extension of Borel determinacy
764 D.A. Martin The determinacy of Blackwell games
765 D. Ornstein On the Existence of Stationary Optimal Strategies
766 D.P. Bertsekas and S.E. Shreve Existence of Optimal Stationary Policies in Deterministic
767 L. de Alfaro and T.A. Henzinger Concurrent Omega-Regular Games
768 G. Owen Game Theory
769 J. von Neumann and O. Morgenstern Theory of games and economic behavior
770 T.A. Henzinger and R. Majumdar A classification of symbolic transition systems
771 E.A. Emerson and C.S. Jutla and A.P. Sistla On model checking for fragments of $mu$-calculus
772 A. McIver Reasoning About Efficiency Within a Probabilitic
773 T.A. Henzinger The Theory of Hybrid Automata
774 R. Bloem and H.N. Gabow and F. Somenzi An Algorithm for Strongly Connected Component
775 G. Bhat and R. Cleaveland Efficient Model Checking via the Equational $mu$-Calculus
776 IXActa Visual Software Ixsite Web Analyzer
777 Link Alarm Inc. Link Alarm
778 NetMechanic Inc. HTML Toolbox
779 Tilman Hausherr Link Sleuth
780 InContext Web Analyzer 2.0
781 Watchfire Co. Linkbot
782 Biggbyte Software Inc. InfoLink
783 Electronic Software Publishing Co. LinkScan
784 Internet Software Services Theseus
785 DACPro Computer Solutions WebTester
786 Voget Selbach Enterprises GmbH Link Tester
787 C. Musciano and B. Kennedy HTML: The Definitive Guide
788 D. Raggett and A. Le Hors and I. Jacobs HTML 4.01 Specification
789 F.Y.C. Mang Personal Communication
790 R. Fielding and J. Gettys and J.C. Mogul and Hypertext Transfer Protocol --- HTTP/1.1
791 J.R. Burch and E.M. Clarke and D.E. Long Symbolic Model Checking with Partitioned Transition
792 A. Tarski A Lattice-Theoretical Fixpoint Theorem and Its Applications
793 E.M. Clarke and O. Grumberg and D.A. Peled Model Checking
794 Aurel A. Lazar and Ariel Orda and Dimitrios E. Pendarakis Virtual path bandwidth allocation in multiuser
795 Yannis A. Korilis and Aurel A. Lazar and Ariel Orda Deciding Bisimilarity is P-Complete
796 J. Balcazar and J. Gabarro and M. Santha
797 E.A. Lee and Yuhong Xiong System-Level Types for Component-Based Design
798 D. Jackson Enforcing Design Constraints with Object Logic
799 N. Leveson System Safety and Computers
800 D.M. Yellin and R.E. Strom Protocol Specifications and Component Adapters
801 R. Allen and D. Garland Formalizing Architectural Conection
802 T.A. Henzinger and B. Horowitz and R. Majumdar Rectangular Hybrid Games
803 M. Kwiatkowska and G. Norman and J. Sproston Symbolic Computation of Maximal Probabilistic Reachability
804 P. Iyer and M. Narasimha Probabilistic Lossy Channel Systems
805 M. Kwiatkowska and G. Norman and R. Segala and J. Sproston Verifying Quantitative Properties of Continuous
806 M. Kwiatkowska and G. Norman and R. Segala and J. Sproston Automatic Verification of Real-Time Systems with
807 L. Ljung and T. Glad Modeling of Dynamic Systems
808 T. S\oderstr\om and P. Stoica System Identification
809 G.E.P. Box and G.M. Jenkins and G.C. Reinsel Time Series Analysis: Forecasting and Control
810 L. Ljung System Identification Toolbox 5
811 T.A. Henzinger and B. Horowitz and Meyer Kirsch C. Embedded Control Systems Development with Giotto
812 T.A. Henzinger and B. Horowitz and Meyer Kirsch C. Giotto: A Time-Triggered Language for Embedded
813 T.J. Koo Hybrid System Design and Embedded Controller
814 T.J. Koo Hierarchical System Architecture for Multi-Agent
815 T. J. Koo and G.J. Pappas and S. Sastry Multi-Modal Control of Systems with Constraints
816 A. Balluchi and Di Benedetto M. and C. Pinello Hybrid Control for Automotive Engine Management: The
817 J. Lygeros and D.N. Godbole and S. Sastry A Game Theoretic Approach to Hybrid System Design
818 J. Lygeros and C. Tomlin and S. Sastry Controllers for Reachability Specifications for
819 J.D. Hamilton Time Series Analysis
820 J.D. Hamilton A New Approach to the Economic Analysis of
821 J.D. Hamilton Analysis of Time Series Subject to Changes in Regime
822 A. Ang and G. Bekaert Regime Switches in Interest Rate
823 S.F. Gray Modeling the Conditional Distribution of Intereset
824 S.J. Cecchetti and P. Lam and N.C. Mark The Equity Premium and the Risk-Free Rate: matching
825 R. Garcia Asymptotic Null Distribution of the Likelihood Ratio
826 The Mathworks Real Time Workshop
827 Wind River Systems VxWorks Programmer's Guide 5.4
828 T.A. Henzinger and J.-F. Raskin and P.-Y. Schobbens The regular real-time languages
829 S. Yovine Kronos: A Verification Tool for Real-Time Systems
830 M. Bozga and C. Daws and O. Maler and A. Olivero Kronos: a Model-Checking Tool for Real-Time Systems
831 C. Daws and A. Olivero and S. Tripakis and S. Yovine The took KRONOS
832 J. Bengtsson and K.G. Larsen and F. Larsson and UPPAAL --- A Tool Suite for Automatic Verification
833 G. Buttazzo Hard Real-Time Computing Systems: Predictable
834 H. Kopetz Real-Time Systems: Design Principles for Distributed
835 L. de Alfaro and R. Alur and R. Grosu and Mocha: A Model Checking Tool that Exploits Design
836 I. Chang and C.G. Tiao and C. Chen Estimation of Time Series Parameters in the Presence
837 A.G. Bruce and R.D. Martin Leave-$k$-out Diagnostics for Time Series
838 R.D. Martin and V.J. Yohai Influence Functionals for Time Series
839 R.S. Tsay Time Series Model Specification in the Presence of
840 J.R. Jackson Scheduling a Production Line to Minimize Maximum
841 W. Horn Some Simple Scheduling Algorithms
842 M.L. Dertouzos Control Robotics: The Procedural Control of
843 C.L. Liu and J.W. Layland Scheduling Algorithms for Multiprogramming in a
844 M.L. Noga LegOS
845 L. de Alfaro and T.A. Henzinger and R. Majumdar Symbolic Algorithms for Infinite-State Games
846 L. de Alfaro and R. Majumdar Quantitative Solution of Omega-Regular Games
847 L. de Alfaro and T.A. Henzinger and F.Y.C. Mang The Control of Synchronous Systems
848 L. de Alfaro and T.A. Henzinger and F.Y.C. Mang The Control of Synchronous Systems Part II
849 J. Misra and K.M. Chandy Proofs of networks of processes
850 R. Alur and T.A. Henzinger Reactive Modules
851 L. de Alfaro and T.A. Henzinger and R. Jhala Compositional Methods for Probabilistic Systems
852 D. L. Detlefs and Rustan M. Leino K. and G. Nelson Extended Static Checking
853 E.A. Lee Overview of the Ptolemy Project
854 E.A. Lee What's Ahead for Embedded Software?
855 W. Tan and A. Zakhor Video Multicast using Layered FEC and Scalable
856 W. Tan and A. Zakhor Multicast Transmission of Scalable Video using
857 S. McCanne and S. Floyd ns --- Network Simulator
858 E.J. Hannan Time Series Analysis
859 E.J. Hannan and M. Deistler The Statistical Theory of Linear Systems
860 L. de Alfaro and T.A. Henzinger and R. Majumdar From Verification to Control: Dynamic Programs for
861 R.O. Duda and P.E. Hart Pattern Classification and Scene Analysis
862 L. de Alfaro and T.A. Henzinger Interface Automata
863 L. de Alfaro and T.A. Henzinger Interface Theories for Component-Based Design
864 C.A.R. Hoare An Axiomatic Basis for Computer Programming
865 S. Owicki and D. Gries An Axiomatic Proof Technique for Parallel Programs
866 W. Reisig Petri Nets: an Introduction
867 V. Pratt Anatomy of the Pentium Bug
868 D.L. Dill The Murphi Verification System
869 G.J. Holzmann
870 P. Kurshan Computer-Aided Verification of Coordinating
871 P. Godefroid Model Checking for Programming Languages using VeriSoft
872 T. Ball and S.K. Rajamani Automatically Validating Temporal Safety Properties
873 J. Corbett and M. Dwyer and J. Hatcliff Bandera: Extracting Finite-state Models from Java Source Code
874 K. Butts and D. bostic and A. Chutinan and J. Cook Usage Scenarios for an Automated Model Compiler
875 de Alfaro L. and T.A. Henzinger and R. Majumdar From Verification to Control: Dynamic Programs
876 M.Y. Vardi and P. Wolper Reasoning about infinite computations
877 A. Baugnard and J.-M. J\'ez\'equel and N. Plouzeau Making Components Contract Aware
878 R.B. Findler and M. Latendresse and M. Felleisen Behavioral Contracts and Behavioral Subtyping
879 R.C. Holt and J.R. Cordy The Turing Programming Language
880 D.C. Luckam and von Henke F. An Overview of Anna a Specification Language for Ada
881 D.L. Parnas A Technique for Software Module Specification with
882 D.S. Rosenblum A Practical Approach to Programming with Assertions
883 Robert Allen and David Garlan A Formal Basis for Architectural Connection
884 Roy H. Campbell and A. Nico Haberman The Specification of Process Synchronization by Path
885 C.A. Gunter Semantics of Programming Languages
886 R. Milner and J. Parrow and D. Walker A calculus of Mobile Processes
887 S. Abramsky Games in the Semantics of Programming Languages
888 S. Abramsky and K. Honda and G. McCusker A Fully Abstract Game Semantics for General
889 S. Abramsky Semantics of Interaction
890 Abramsky S. and Jagadeesan R. and Malacaria P. Full Abstraction for PCF
891 Abramsky S. and Gay S. and Nagarajan R. A type-theoretic approach to deadlock-freedom
892 A. Fehnker Scheduling a steel plant with timed automata
893 Y. Abdedda\\im and O. Maler Job-Shop Scheduling using Timed Automata
894 Wang Yi Real-Time Behaviour of Asynchronous Agents
895 O. Maler and A. Pnueli and J. Sifakis On the Synthesis of Discrete Controllers for Timed
896 E. Asarin and O. Maler and A.Pnueli and J. Sifakis Controller Synthesis for Timed Automata
897 T.A. Henzinger and B. Horowitz and R. Majumdar Rectangular Hybrid Games
898 de Alfaro L. and T.A. Henzinger and R. Majumdar Symbolic Algorithms for Infinite-State Games
899 S.K. Rajamani and J. Rehof A Behavioral Module System for the Pi-Calculus
900 S. Chaki and S.K. Rajamani and J. Rehof Types as Models: Model Checking Message-Passing Programs
901 ITU-T recommendation Z.120 Message Sequence Charts
902 E. Rudolph and P. Graubmann and J. Gabowski Tutorial on Message Sequence Charts
903 M. Merritt and F. Modugno and M. Tuttle Time Constrained Automata
904 I. Walukiewicz Pushdown processes: Games and model checking
905 A. Chakrabarti Using Interface Automata for Component-Based Design
906 E. Gamma and R. Helm and R. Johnson and Design Patterns
907 S. Abramsky Semantics of Interaction
908 A. Chakrabarti and de Alfaro L. and T.A. Henzinger Synchronous and Bidirectional Component Interfaces
909 A. Chakrabarti and de Alfaro L. and T.A. Henzinger Interface Compatibility Checking for Software Modules
910 de Alfaro L. and T.A. Henzinger and M. Stoelinga Timed Interfaces
911 de Alfaro L. and T.A. Henzinger and Convertibility Verification and Converter Synthesis:
912 Mike Jones What really happened on Mars Rover Pathfinder
913 I. Lee and A. Philippou and O. Sokolksy Process Algeberaic Modeling and Analysis of
914 I. Lee and A. Philippou and O. Sokolksy Formal Modeling and Analysis of Power-Aware Real-Time
915 I. Lee and J.-Y. Choi and H.-H. Kwak and A Family of Resource-Bound Real-Time Process
916 M. N\'u\~nez and I. Rodr\'\igez PAMR: A process algebra for the management of resources in
917 Y. Abdedda\ \i m and O. Maler Job-Shop Scheduling using Timed Automata
918 Y. Abdedda\ \i m and O. Maler Preemptive Job-Shop Scheduling using Stopwatch
919 G. Necula and S. McPeak and W. Weimer and R. To and CIL: Infrastructure for C Program Analysis and
920 T.A. Henzinger and R. Jhala and R. Majumdar and Temporal-Safety Proofs for Systems Code
921 T.A. Henzinger and R. Jhala and R. Majumdar and Lazy Abstraction
922 G. Gullekson Designing for Concurrency and Distribution with

SNo.Books and Reports
1 rex
2 Hybrid Systems
3 POPL91
4 Workshop on Hybrid Systems
5 Proceedings of LICS'92
6 Hybrid Systems
7 Proc. Conf. Logics of Programs
8 The 25th Anniversary of INRIA
9 rex
10 LICS90
11 Formal Techniques in Real-Time and
12 LICS90
13 Logic Algebra and Computation
14 Real Time: Theory in Practice
15 rex
16 ICALP92
17 stacs92
18 1989 IEEE International Conference on
19 Workshop on Automatic Verification of
20 Proceedings of Concur'92
21 Proc. of the 27th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference
22 LICS88
23 Proc. of the Logic of Programs Conf.
24 FOCS89
25 Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science
26 Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science
27 Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science
28 lics94
29 Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science
30 Applications of Process Algebra
31 Proceedings of Concur'92
32 Proceedings of Concur'92
33 Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science
34 Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science
35 Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science
36 POPL86
37 rex93
38 Hybrid Systems
39 rex93
40 rex93
41 rex93
42 Proceedings of the 25th Annual Symposium on
43 Hybrid Systems
44 rex
45 cav91
46 Proc. Workshop on Theory of Hybrid Systems
48 CS351 Notes on Complexity Theory
49 Foundations of Software Technology and
50 Hand of Philosophical Logic
51 The Logical Way of Doing Things
52 Philosophical Problems in Logic
53 Philosophical Problems in Logic
54 Temporal Logic in Specification
55 podc83
56 Quantification in Modal Logic
57 Handbook of Philosophical Logic
58 Free Logics
59 Handbook of Philosophical Logic
60 Handbook of Philosophical Logic
61 5th Jerusalem Conference on Information Technology
62 Proc. IFIP 9th World Congress
63 cav93
65 cade88
66 TACS 94
67 First International Conference on AI Planning Systems
68 6th Natl. Conf. on Artif. Intell.
69 lics86
70 cav93
71 Hybrid Systems
72 podc91
73 Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science
74 First and Second Russian Conference on Logic
75 First and Second Russian Conference on Logic
76 AAAI 88. Seventh National Conference on Artificial
77 Handbook of Logic in Computer Science
78 Mathematical Logic for Computer Science
79 Foundations of Computer Science IV
80 FOCS77
81 rex
82 Basic Tense Logic
83 Handbook of Philosophical Logic
84 Handbook of Philosophical Logic
85 A Completeness Proof in Modal Logic
86 Handbook of Philosophical Logic
87 rex93
88 Beauty is Our Business (a Birthday Salute to
89 Canergie Mellon University Computer Science:
90 ICALP89
91 Applying Formal Software Techniques
92 Dynamic Logic
93 Handbook of Philosophical Logic
94 Temi e prospettive della
95 Verification of the Futurebus+ Cache Coherence Protocol
96 11th IFIP WG10.2 International Conference on
97 Chapel Hill Conference on Very Large Scale Integration
98 Proceedings of the Third International Symposium
99 HardwareC --- A Language for Hardware Design
100 popl78
101 1985 Chapter Hill Conference on VLSI
102 Computer Networks
103 11th IFIP WG10.2
104 Diamonds and Defaults
105 lics93
106 lics93
107 lics93
108 Proceedings 13th World Computer Congress IFIP'9444
109 Esprit Project 6021 -- REACT: Building Correct
110 Protocol Specification Testing and Verification
111 Protocol Specification Testing and Verification
112 focs88
113 stoc89
114 Applications of Process Algebra
115 Continuous Verification by Discrete Reasoning
116 amast
117 cav91
118 podc87
119 IEEE Standard for Futurebus+ ---
120 IEEE Standard for Futurebus+ ---
121 Development of Hybrid Systems
122 Proceedings of the Third
123 popl85
124 popl85
125 stoc84
126 stoc84
127 lics90
128 Proc. Workshop on Logic of Programs
129 focs90
130 popl83
131 fsttcs
132 lics95
133 Logics and Models of Concurrent Systems
134 tacs94
135 lics95
136 lics95
137 lics95
138 Logics and Models of Concurrent Systems
139 rex90
140 rex90
141 rex91
142 cav96
143 rex91
144 cav91
145 Proc. Workshop on theory of Hybrid systems
146 Proc. of IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium
147 Higher-Order Logic Theorem Proving and Its
148 stoc95
149 lics88
150 Proc. 8th Conference on Computer Aided
151 Computer Aided Verification Proc. 9th Int.
152 Proc. Compositionality Workshop
153 Proc. 10th Conferance on Concurrency Theory
154 icalp90
155 icalp90
156 icalp90
157 ftrtft94
158 Linear Time Branching Time and Partial order in
159 Temporal Logic in Specification Proceedings
160 Linear Time Branching Time and Partial Order in
161 Protocol Specification Testing and Verification X.
162 Real Time: Theory in Practice
163 CAAP '92. 17th Colloquium on Trees in Algebra and
164 Logic and Software Workshop
165 Hybrid Systems III
166 Theory of Machines and Computations
167 cav96
168 icalp94
169 icalp81
170 Advances in Database Technology -- EDBT'92: 3rd
171 POPL
172 stoc
173 icalp81
174 stacs97
175 Proc. of the International Conference on Digital
176 Workshop on Visual Reasoning International
177 Proc. of TAPSOFT: Theory and Practice of
178 Proc. of TACAS: Tools and Algorithms for the
179 Intl. Conf. on Temporal Logic
180 lics90
181 popl92
182 podc87
183 Second International Joint Conference on Artificial
184 Proc. of the Int. Summer School on Deductive
185 lics90
186 LICS86
187 stacs97
188 CAV95
189 Hybrid Systems Workshop DIMACS'95
190 cav95
191 stacs95
192 Proceedings of the Second International
193 cav97
194 lics96
195 Proc. of 5th Conference on Foundations of
196 lics89
197 cav98
198 lics95
199 focs97
200 cav96
201 cav96
202 cav97
203 popl77
204 Proceedings of the 38th Annual Symposium on
205 concur97
206 CONCUR 99: Concurrency Theory
207 CONCUR 97: Concurrency Theory
208 FMCAD 98: Formal Methods in Computer-aided Design
209 concur97
210 Proc. 5th International Symposium on
211 Proceedings of the 16th Annual Symposium on
212 focs91
213 stoc82
214 concur98
215 Proceedings of the International Conference on
216 Progress Measures Immediate Determinacy and a Subset
217 lics92
218 Computation Theory
219 cav95
220 cav95
221 TACAS 96
222 Berkeley Wireless Research Center
223 Proc. of TACAS: Tools and Algorithms for the
224 Design Automation Conference (DAC'99)
225 CAV 98: Computer-aided Verification
226 CAV 98: Computer-aided Verification
227 EL/IX: Unifying APIs for Linux and Post-PC
228 Proceedings of the IFIP Sixth International
229 8th International Conference on Computer-Aided
230 QNX Operating System: System Architecture
231 Infinitistic Methods
232 Real Time: Theory in Practice
233 Real Time: Theory in Practice
234 Protocol Specification Testing and Verification X.
235 Linear Time Branching Time and Partial Order in
236 Temporal Logic in Specification Proceedings
237 popl82
238 focs79
239 stoc83
240 stoc83
241 stoc83
242 stoc82
243 stoc80
244 concur92
245 concur92
246 cav91
247 popl89
248 lics91
249 focs88
250 focs85
251 lics90
252 stoc95
253 Logic of Programs: Workshop
254 stoc84
255 lics86
256 popl85
257 icalp91
258 focs83
259 Proc. of Real Time Systems Symposium
260 cav95
261 fsttcs95
262 icalp90
263 ftrtft94
264 concur94
265 MFCS'95
266 Math. Found. of Comp. Sci.
267 concur95
268 Proc. of Symp. on Principles of Distributed Computing
269 Proc. of Symp. on Principles of Distributed Computing
270 Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence.
271 Proc. of the 26th Conference of Decision and Control
272 stacs
273 popl81
274 Intern. Stat. Inst.
275 icalp97
276 lics97
277 cav
278 Second Int. Work. on Numerical Solution of
279 7th Int. Conf. on Modelling Techniques and Tools
280 Computer Performance Evaluation:
281 cav
282 lics95
283 podc87
284 concur94
285 concur94
286 pnpm95
287 Fifth Int. Conf. on Modelling Techniques and
288 Int. Workshop on Timed Petri Nets
289 stoc92
290 Symp. on Formal Techniques in Real-Time and
291 Proc. of the International Workshop on Petri Nets and
292 Proc. of International Workshop on Process
293 Proc. Intl. Workshop on Automatic Verificaton
294 concur90
295 Proc. IFIP~TC2 Working Conference on
296 Protocol Specification Testing and Verification XII
297 icalp92
298 Bisimulation Through Probabilistic Testing
299 Proc. of IEEE Symp. on Real-Time Systems
300 Proc. of 2nd Workshop on Process Algebras and
301 Proc. of 7th IFIP Int. Conf. on Formal
302 concur96
303 amast
304 pnpm95
305 pnpm97
307 papm94
308 pnpm95
309 pnpm95
310 concur96
311 A Theory of Processes with Durational Actions
312 amast
313 Proc. of TAPSOFT'97: Theory and Practice of
314 podc97
315 lics98
316 Proc. of the Second Intl. Workshop on Responsive
317 Computer Systems Performance Evaluation
318 Contributions to the Theory of Games III
319 icalp97
320 papm96
321 Contributions to the Theory of Games III
322 Selected Topics in OR and Mathematical Economics
323 cav
324 concur98
325 lics94
326 focs98
327 Proceedings of Workshop on Probabilistic Methods
328 Computer Aided Verification
329 concur99
330 lics98
331 ARTS 99
332 CONCUR 99
333 MFCS 95: Mathematical Foundations of Compuer
334 cav95
335 cav00
336 cav96
337 popl87
338 rex93
339 The Foundations of Esterel
340 Proof Language and Interaction: Essays in Honour
341 TACAS: Tools and Algorithms for the
342 lics00
343 STACS00: Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science
344 CAV 93: Computer-aided Verification
345 Proc. of PROBMIV
346 lics96
347 Proceedings of the Fourth International
348 lics96
349 VLSI 91
350 Achieving network optima using Stackelberg routing
351 Static Analysis Sumposium
352 Proc. of the 16th International Conference on
353 concur99
354 concur01
355 Proc. of TAPSOFT 97
356 concur00
357 arts99
358 To appear in Proc. of LCTES 01: ACM SIGPLAN
359 Proceedings of the First International
360 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
361 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
362 Proc. of HSCC 98: First Intl. Workshop
363 Hybrid Systems III
364 icalp98
365 cav98
366 Hybrid Systems III
367 Proc. of the 4th DIMACS Workshop on Verification
368 ICSE 01: Proceedings of the 23rd
369 concur01
370 stoc01
371 concur00
372 concur01
373 concur01
374 Packet Video Workshop
375 The ns Manual (formerly ns Notes and Documentation)
376 lics01
377 Proceedings of the Joint PAPM-PROBMIV 2001 Workshop
378 Proceedings of the 8th European Software
379 emsoft01
380 Theory and Practice of Software Development (TAPSOFT)
381 cav96
382 The Spin Model Checker
383 popl97
384 SPIN 2001 Workshop on Model Checking of Software
385 Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference
386 Proceedings of the First International
387 lics01
388 Proc. of the Joint 8th European Software
389 Operating Systems
390 Proc. of the 11th Amsterdam Colloquium
391 lics98
392 TACS'97: Theoretical Aspects of Computer
393 Proceedings of the 13th International Conference
394 concur90
395 stacs95
396 Proc. IFAC Symposium on System Structure and Control
397 concur99
398 concur01
399 Proc. SAS 01 Static Analysis Symposium
400 popl02
401 concur91
402 Trees in Algebra and Programming -- CAAP'96
403 cav02
404 cav02
405 Proceedings of the Second International
406 Proceedings of the International Conference on
407 Synthesis with incomplete informatio
408 2nd International Conference on Temporal Logic
409 Proc. of the 22nd IEEE/IEE Workshop on
410 Proc. of the 21st International Conference on
411 Proc. FORTE'01
412 CAV 01: Proc. of 13th Conf. on Computer Aided
413 Proc. of TACAS: Tools and Algorithms for the
414 cav02
415 Proceedings of the 29th Annual Symposium on